Event for women interested in new food product Innovations using African Indigenous Knowledge (IK) of processing, understanding health implications*and the commercial/business opportunities gut health, probiotics etc.
- Using traditional and indigenous food preparation method of fermentation to improve bioavailability of nutrients and vitamins
- Traditional Spontaneously Fermented Foods and Beverages, Biotechnological approaches, health implications, and the Commercial/business opportunities.
We're proud to announce our International Women's Day: Women Innovate event, in which we are gathering companies and individuals to applaud the achievements of Women in Innovation and also to discuss how the modern food industry can benefit from traditional Indigenous Knowledge of food preparations. We will focus of food fermentation method and its global market opportunities for women.
- Fermentation is an important food processing technology usually developed by women in most Africa and Asian countries.
- Fermentation of food ranks as one of the oldest methods of food processing and preservation.
- The fermented food and ingredient market is projected to reach $689.34 billion by 2023.
Consumer preference for healthy food has been a crucial factor driving the growth of the market and the increased health consciousness among the consumers has led to the demand for functional foods.
Market Drivers :
Growing Consumer Awareness about Health and Wellness.
- Increasing Awareness about Food Preservatives.
- Increase in the Consumption of Functional Food and Beverages.
Join us to explore :
- The Rising awareness of health consciousness across the world is driving the global fermented foods market (dairy, beverages, and vegetables).
- Emerging opportunities and expanding their product line in the fermented food products
- Working in collaboration to bring new products and services to the market, or improve the existing products
- Partnerships along with new product launches for introducing new technologies
We want to support and connect food businesses and innovators with retailers, new partners and new opportunities– accelerating ambitious ideas into new markets.
Contact us: +44(0)7764 961 489, https://www.sacoma-healthfoods.com/
Participate in our events and workshops and get, among other things, new knowledge and insight and trends. A platform where stakeholder can share their expertise and knowledge internationally:Sacoma Global Foods Innovation, 159 Broad Street, Dagenham, Essex, RM10 9HX.
*Some fermented foods like fermented milk contain highconcentrations of probiotics which have health benefits. Some of the beneficial effect of lactic acid bacteria consumption include: (i) improving intestinal tract health;(ii) enhancing the immune system, synthesizing and enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients; (iii) reducing symptoms of lactose intolerance, decreasing the prevalence of allergy in susceptible individuals; and (iv)reducing risk of certain cancers *
Fermentation processes can result in increased levels ofvitamins in the final product. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to concentrate large quantities of thiamin, nicotinicacid and biotin and thus form enriched products. Fermentation technology therefore plays important role inthe nutrition.
DATE: Monday 8th March 2021
TIME: 12pm UK
VENUE: Via Zoom Link
Mpesa (Kenya) +254 (0) 717 572 915
Register:Cost: £10 UK (KES 1,000)